The outputs produced by the MALMECC team range across different media. A selection of pieces that relate to the researchers’ work on the project is presented below.
Essay collections and monographs (forthcoming)
KÜGLE, KARL (ed.), The Networked Court: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Late Medieval European Court Cultures, Proceedings of the British Academy (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
KÜGLE, KARL, INGRID CIULISOVÁ, and VÁCLAV ŽŮREK (eds), Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer)
Articles and Chapters
2023 and beyond
KÜGLE, KARL – ‘The Absent Present: Luxembourg Courts, Their Sonic Cultures, and Music Histor(iograph)y’, forthcoming in KarlKügle, Ingrid Ciulisová, and Václav Žůrek (eds), Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer)
KÜGLE, KARL, INGRID CIULISOVÁ and VÁCLAV ŽŮREK – ‘The "Long Luxembourg Century" (1308-1437): Courtly Networks, Cultural Politics, Dynastic Legacy’, forthcoming in Karl Kügle, Ingrid Ciulisová, and Václav Žůrek (eds), Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer)
KÜGLE, KARL – ‘Clio’s Stepchildren: Anne of Cyprus, Louis of Savoy, and the Politics of Historiography’, European History Quarterly 53 (2023): 459-81
KÜGLE, KARL – ‘Musica – sonus – vox – cantus: Klangvorstellungen des Mittelalters, mittelalterliches Hören und der "sonic turn"’, in Klangräume des Mittelalters, eds Nikolas Jaspert and Harald Müller. Vorträge und Forschungen, herausgegeben vom Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für mittelalterliche Geschichte. Bd. XCIV (Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke Verlag), 29-52
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE – ‘Ecclesiastic Courts during the Fourteenth Century: Following, Adapting, or Creating a Model?’, forthcoming in Karl Kügle (ed.), The Networked Court: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Late Medieval European Court Cultures
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE – ‘Un Bourguignon en Avignon: Le cardinal Guillaume de Vergy et sa cour (1391–1407)’, forthcoming in Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin, Alain Marchandisse, Valérie Toureille (eds), Mélanges Bertrand Schnerb (provisional title) (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Revue du Nord)
MCDONALD, GRANTLEY – ‘Music in Medieval Courts’, forthcoming in Oxford Bibliographies Online (
MURRAY, DAVID - 'Controlling Voices in Fourteenth-Century Salzburg: Singing and Identity in the "Mönch von Salzburg" Songs,' inMusic and Letters 104 (2023): 177-96
SMILANSKY, URI – ‘Book-Presentation as Performative Space, with a Brief Glance at Martin Le Franc’, forthcoming in Karl Kügle (ed.), The Networked Court: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Late Medieval European Court Cultures
SMILANSKY, URI – ‘The “Luxembourgness” of Things: Machaut C, Glazier 52 and Dynastic Presence in Early Fourteenth Century France’, forthcoming in Karl Kügle, Ingrid Ciulisová, and Václav Žůrek (eds), Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer)
CATALUNYA, DAVID - 'Benedicamus Domino: Delight in Singing Praise to God at Las Huelgas of Burgos', in Early Music 50 (2022): 451-64
CATALUNYA, DAVID – ‘A Female-Voice Ceremonial from Medieval Castile’, in Female-Voice Song in the Middle Ages, eds Anna Kathryn Grau and Lisa Colton (Leiden: Brill), 68-90
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE – ‘Les cours cardinalices d’Avignon entre 1378 et 1403. Des alternatives au modèle pontifical?,’ in Modèles, réseaux et échanges curiaux au Moyen Âge. LIIe Congrès de la SHMESP – XLIIIes rencontres du RMBLF (Bruxelles, 20-23 mai 2021) (Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne), 293-305
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE – Review of Mary Hollingsworth, Miles Pattenden, Arnold Witte (eds): A Companion to the Early Modern Cardinal (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020), in Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique 117/1-2, 377-81
MCDONALD, GRANTLEY – ‘Maximilian’s Chaplains and their Benefices: Memoria and Money,’ in Maximilian I. (1459–1519) und Musik. Reale Präsenz vs. virtuelle Kommunikation, ed. Nicole Schwindt, TroJa Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 18 (2019): 171–86
SMILANSKY, URI – 'Singing from the Source: Performance Markings in Machaut Manuscript G’, in Benjamin Albritton, Jared C. Hartt, Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel and Benjamin Albritton, (eds), Essays in Honour of Lawrence Earp (Turnhout: Brepols), 311-334
MCDONALD, GRANTLEY – 'Liturgical Foundations from the Court of Maximilian I and the Hope of Salvation', in Mattias Lundberg, Maria Schildt, and Jonas Lundblad (eds), Lutheran Music Culture: Ideals and Practices (Berlin: De Gruyter), 69-79
SLATER, LAURA – ‘Musical Wit and Courtly Connections at Cogges’, in Julian Luxford (ed.), Tributes to Paul Binski. Medieval Gothic: Art, Architecture and Ideals (Turnhout: Brepols), 198-209
SLATER, LAURA – ‘Rumour and Reputation Management in Fourteenth-Century England: Isabella of France in Text and Image’, in Journal of Medieval History 47(2), 257-292
SMILANSKY, URI – (With Marc Lewon, co-author) ‘Competing Ontologies of Musical Improvisation: A Medieval Perspective’, in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Musical Improvisation, eds Marcello Ruta and Alessandro Bertinetto (New York: Routledge), 315-327
SMILANSKY, URI – ‘The Polyphonies of Function: Guillaume de Machaut and the Performance of Text and Music’, in Polyphony and the Modern, ed. Jonathan Fruoco (New York: Routledge), 15-36
CATALUNYA, DAVID – ‘Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century in Aragon: Reassessing a Panorama of Fragmentary Sources’, in Disiecta Membra Musicae: Studies in Musical Fragmentology, ed. Varelli. Studies in Manuscript Cultures, 21 (Berlin: De Gruyter), 117-163
KÜGLE, KARL – ‘The Aesthetics of Fragments: Reading Pastedowns in Context or, Late Medieval Bookbinders, Readers, and Their Choices', in Disiecta Membra Musicae: Studies in Musical Fragmentology, ed. Varelli. Studies in Manuscript Cultures 21 (Berlin: De Gruyter), 205-237
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE - 'Les affaires napolitaines', in Jean Le Fèvre: Journal, eds Michel Hébert, Jean-Michel Matz (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes), LXXI-LXXIX
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE - 'Une cour avignonnaise parmi d’autres? Chapelles et organisation curiale pontificales face à leurs homologues cardinalices à l’époque du Grand Schisme d’Occident', in Claudia D'Alberto (ed.), Imago Papae: Le pape en image du Moyen Âge à l’époque contemporaine (Rome: Campisano Editore), 141-149
MCDONALD, GRANTLEY - 'Isaac as a Member of the Court Chapel of Maximilian I', in Musiktheorie: Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 35: 199–210
MURRAY, DAVID – ‘"Ju, ich jag": A Three-Part Song in the Mönch von Salzburg Corpus in Translingual Perspective’, in Oxford German Studies, 49(1): 1-26
MURRAY, DAVID – ‘Ein "volles Lied": Übertragung und Klang am Beispiel der geistlichen Lieder des Mönchs von Salzburg’, in Geistliche Liederdichter zwischen Volkssprache und Liturgie: Übertragungen, Bearbeitungen, Neuschöpfungen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, eds Krass, Standke. Liturgie und Volkssprache, 5 (Berlin: De Gruyter), 63–89
SMILANSKY, URI – ‘Creating MS C: Author, Workshop, Court’, Early Music History, 39: 253-304
CATALUNYA, DAVID – ‘Ars Subtilior in Organ Playing c.1380–1420: Another Glimpse into a Late Medieval Unwritten Performance Practice’, in Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch 103, 113–143
KÜGLE, KARL – Manuscript Ivrea, Biblioteca capitolare 115: Introductory Study and Facsimile Edition Ars nova: nuova serie, vol. 5 (Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana) xix and 70 pp. + 134 photographic colour plates
MURRAY, DAVID – ‘The Secular Songs of the Monk of Salzburg’, in Musikleben des Spätmittelalters in der Region Österreich Eds. Strohm, Lodes
MURRAY, DAVID – ‘Die Übersetzungen des Mönchs von Salzburg als Lieder: Das Fallbeispiel der Mariensequenz Salve mater salvatoris‘, in Hymnus, Sequenz, Antiphon: Fallstudien zur volkssprachlichen Aneignung liturgischer Lieder im deutschen Mittelalter Eds. Krass, Ostermann (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter) 193-222
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE – ‘La Iglesia fracturada: El gran Cisma de Occidente’, in Desperta Ferro Antigua y Medieval nº48 July
SLATER, LAURA – ‘Review of Renana Bartal: Gender, Piety, and Production in Fourteenth-Century English Apocalypse Manuscripts (London: Routledge, 2016)’, in Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture 6(4): 260-271
MASSON, CHRISTOPHE – ‘Review of Jean-Yves Copy: La revendication bretonne du trône de France (1213-1358)’, in December
MURRAY, DAVID – ‘Bernard de Ventadour’,in The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume Old French to the Middle Ages, 500-1400 Eds. Ailes, Unwin, Williams. November
SLATER, LAURA – ‘Lessons in Leadership and Liturgy in the Winchcombe Psalter’, in English Studies 98(1): 49-62, 02 January
KÜGLE, KARL – ‘Die Fragmente Oxford, All Souls 56 und die mensural notierte Mehrstimmigkeit in Köln um 1400. Ein Zwischenbericht’, in Musik der mittelalterlichen Metropole: Räume, Identitäten und Kontexte der Musik in Köln und Mainz, ca. 900–1400 Ed. Kolb (Kassel: Merseburger) 301-324
MURRAY, DAVID – ‘The Clerical Reception of Bernart de Ventadorn’s ‘Can vei la lauzeta mover’ (PC 70, 34)’, Medium Aevum 85: 259-277, 15 December
Other media
Watch David Catalunya's 2021 project video with spectacular drone footage here:
For his review entitled: Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century in Aragon: Reassessing a Panorama of Fragmentary Sources
Fun presentations of project themes
The playlist of videos from other members of the MALMECC research team can be viewed on the Youtube links below:
Medieval Marriage problems – Laura Slater
Papal challenges – Christophe Masson
Music and the Monk of Salzburg – David Murray
Medieval Morissey – Karl Kuegle
Music and Court Culture in Late Medieval Catalonia - David Catalunya