Introduction to Project Events and Presentations
About Events
The Events section is divided into three areas. There is a tab dedicated to the Project Conference, a tab listing Presentations at External Events such as conferences, or seminars and this page which outlines the workshops, seminars, colloquia and Workshops, seminars, colloquia and other events organised by the Project or co-managed.

Workshops, seminars, colloquia and other events organised by the Project or co-managed.
Closing Workshop: MALMECC's legacy - thinking back and looking forward, University of Oxford, 28 November 2022
A closing workshop for the project in November provided an opportunity to review the contribution of the project to academic study in this area and to discuss the future channels for research that its outputs create.

External expert guests joined the team for wide-ranging discussions that will contribute to the final report of this successful project.

As part of the project, MALMECC intended to co-sponsor workshops in Prague and in Meissen. These events were due to take place in March and April 2020 respectively, but have been cancelled. The Prague conference will be replaced with an essay collection drawn from the papers planned for the event.
The Luxembourgs in Late Medieval Europe: Old Topics New Perspectives: Cancelled due to Covid-19
Programme: PRAGUE Workshop Programme 2020 Final
In lieu of the Prague workshop, an essay volume entitled The Luxembourgs in Europe will be prepared by Karl Kügle, Ingrid Ciulisová and Václav Žůrek in collaboration with the speakers slated to participate in the workshop and invited scholars. Intended date of publication: 2022.
Our previous events can be found below.
Conference: Music and Late Medieval European Court Cultures Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, 26-27 September 2019
Please see the Conference page CONFERENCE
Colloque: Transnationalité à la cour / Transnationalism at Court, University of Liège - 21 and 22 March 2019
More information about this event can be found on our blog page.

Palace in Avignon
The MALMECC project seeks to question some of the methods of medieval historiography, particularly with regard to the role played by music in politics, religion, and the arts in courtly spaces. One model which the project seeks to engage with is that of the nation-state, a framework which can encourage historians to consider as peripheral those areas which at one time had a significant cultural role, but which have since disappeared with the formation of modern geopolitical entities. These areas, like the former principality of Liège, today "divided" between Belgium and the Netherlands, or the regions governed by the Luxembourg dynasty in the years 1250-1450, (including parts of France, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg) were the focus of this study day, which examined pre-national and transnational exchanges in the area surrounding the Netherlands in comparison with the wider European context.
Le projet de recherche MALMECC vise à questionner les principaux modèles historiographiques relatifs à la période médiévale, en se concentrant plus particulièrement sur le rôle de la musique dans la politique, la religion et les arts en milieu curial. Un de ces modèles est celui de la création de l’Etat-nation, ce qui conduit à considérer comme périphériques de larges aires géographiques qui jouèrent pourtant à l’époque un rôle culturel et identitaire de premier plan mais qui ont depuis disparu au sein de nations modernes, à l’image de l’ancienne principauté de Liège, aujourd’hui « divisée » entre Belgique et Pays-Bas, ou les régions gouvernées par la dynastie de Luxembourg au cours des années 1250-1450, qui incluaient des parties des actuelles France, Pologne, République tchèque, Allemagne, Belgique et Luxembourg. Cette conférence était dédiée à l’étude de tels phénomènes et échanges culturels pré-nationaux et transnationaux, autour des Pays-Bas et d’une comparaison avec le contexte européen.
For more information, please see the Transnationalism at Court Programme.
Study day: Avignon as Transcultural Hub, Oxford - 8 February 2019

This MALMECC study day considered a range of themes centering around cultural transfers and scientific knowledge in papal Avignon, providing fresh understanding through interdisciplinary discussion based on a series of short position papers. Please see the full programme for more information.
As well as members of the MALMECC team, speakers included:
- Anna Alberni (Barcelona)
- Étienne Anheim (EHESS Paris)
- Karen Cook (Hartford)
- Antonio Calvia (Pavia)
- Stefano Cingolani (Barcelona)
- Sarah Griffin (Oxford)
- James Hillson (Cambridge)
- Maria Sofia Lannutti (Florence)
- Chiara Martignano (Florence)
- Philipp Nothaft (Oxford)
On the eve of the study day, participants were encouraged to attend the following presentation in the Seminars in Late Medieval and Renaissance Music series convened by Margaret Bent at All Souls College, Oxford.
7 February 2019: 5-7 pm, Wharton Room, All Souls College, Oxford
Étienne Anheim (Directeur d’études, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris)
'The musical chapel of the popes in Avignon during the fourteenth century'
You can read more about this event on our blog.
"Thank you for a very stimulating and truly interdisciplinary day!" - Professor Catherine Leglu, University of Reading
Study day: Avignon Translingualism in Late Medieval European Court Cultures- England, Low Countries, Germany, France - Oxford, 2 November 2018
On 2nd November, the MALMECC team hosted a study day on 'Translingualism in Late Medieval European Court Cultures'.
The day took place at St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford, and more details on timings can be found on the Translingualism Programme

Speakers were as follows;
- Em. prof. dr. Frank Willaert (Antwerp), ‘Hovedauncis and rés d’Alemaigne’
- Prof. Karl Kügle (Oxford), ‘King Rudolf, Porridge, and Machaut's B33'
- Dr David Murray (Oxford), 'The Monk of Salzburg and the Song Traditions of later Medieval Europe'
- Prof. Elizabeth Eva Leach (Oxford), 'Ripping Romance to Ribbons: the French of German and English knights in Douce 308'
We were also pleased to welcome a range of formal discussants; Prof. Margaret Bent (Oxford), Prof. Ardis Butterfield (Yale), Matt Lampitt (KCL), Prof. Catherine Leglu (Reading), Prof. Nigel Palmer (Oxford), Prof. Yolanda Plumley (Exeter), Dr Uri Smilansky (KCL), and Prof. Almut Suerbaum (Oxford).
On the eve of the study day, participants were encouraged to attend the following presentation in the Seminars in Late Medieval and Renaissance Music series convened by Margaret Bent at All Souls College, Oxford.
1 November 2018: 5-7 pm, Wharton Rm, All Souls College, Oxford
Elizabeth Eva Leach, ‘The motets of Douce 308: evidence for a more extensive monophonic tradition?’
You can read a summary of the event on our blog page.
Study day: Cultural Production and Late Medieval Ecclesiastical Courts, Oxford - 16 and 17 February 2018
On 16 and 17 February 2018, the Music and Late Medieval European Court Cultures team followed up on their successful 2017 inaugural workshop with a study day focussing on the particularities of ecclesiastical courts.
The study day examined several aspects of this theme, providing fresh insight through interdisciplinary discussion of topics such as courts in papal Avignon, and the courtly life of the Teutonic Order. Speakers included:
- Prof. Étienne Anheim, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
- Prof. Werner Paravicini, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Prof. Andreas Bihrer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Prof. Yolanda Plumley, University of Exeter, (Discussant)
You can also read about the event on our blog page.

Inaugural workshop: Methodological Innovation in Late Medieval Studies - Oxford, 27 and 28 April 2017
In April 2017, MALMECC held its inaugural workshop at Wadham College. Its aim was to generate a collective experience of sharing and learning through debate and questioning, with a format similar to that of an advanced research seminar. Discussants considered a range of themes centering around 'Methodological Innovation in Late Medieval Studies'.
“I found [the workshop] extremely interesting and stimulating, and very productive for my own research” - Pablo Gonzalez Martin, DPhil Candidate in History and La Caixa Postgraduate Scholar, Wadham College.